About the Hormone Wellness Clinic

With Dr Amalia Annaradnam

There is no ‘one size fits all’ to hormone problems. Resolving hormone health and wellness issues can feel like a deeply personal challenge, requiring high levels of trust from patients and understanding from specialists.

At the Hormone Wellness Clinic we aim to help our patients address their conditions collaboratively, with truly tailored and individual support.

A natural, balanced approach

A firm believer in preventative medicine through hormone optimisation, good nutrition, exercise and lifestyle management, Dr Amalia combines a more holistic, integrated approach to hormone health with her unrivalled clinical expertise. Treating every patient as the individual they are means that emotional and physical lifestyle factors are always considered as part of any prescribed medical treatment plan.

Dr Amalia will spend time listening to your symptoms, analysing your blood tests and then formulate a treatment plan for your individual needs. She prescribes both licensed bio/body identical hormones and also compounded bio/body identical hormones.

Understanding your hormones and whether or not to take HRT can be confusing for many patients as there is a lot of mixed information out there. “I spend time with my patients explaining the pros and cons and assessing their individual needs.” Whether it is weight gain, hot flushes, mood swings, vaginal dryness or simply wanting the health protection benefits against diseases of aging like osteoporosis, Dr Amalia will combine a personalised hormone regime to help you feel your best self.

Dr Amalia believes that good communication and understanding between patient and doctor is key to optimising good health and it is this individualised approach that has earned her an outstanding reputation for patient care.


After studying medicine at University College London, Dr Amalia gained her Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery degree. She pursued her interest in Primary Healthcare, undertaking a Bachelor of Science degree in Primary Healthcare in 2007. With a special interest in Women’s health, Dr Amalia completed her diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2011. She proceeded to complete her Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare in 2012.

During her years working as a GP, she developed her interest in managing various hormonal conditions. She realised that conventional medicine did not always address the underlying causes of hormonal imbalance hence her approach to treating these patients evolved towards a more holistic style.

She then went on to complete specialist bio-identical hormone therapy training with Dr Marion Gluck. She previously worked at the London Hormone Clinic before setting up The Hormone Wellness Clinic at Omniya.

She attends a yearly BHRT training course with the world renowned Dr Neil Rouzier along with regular Age Management Medicine conferences in the USA. She strives to continue to develop her knowledge with the most up to date research in order to give her patients the best possible care.

She is now recognised as one of the UK’s leading bio/body-identical hormone replacement therapy specialists and also continues to work as an NHS General Practitioner in North London.

Consultations & Pricing

At the Hormone Wellness Clinic, we aim to provide an individually balanced approach to each patients’ hormone health and wellness. Delivering a whole person, individualised approach with respected specialists who see the whole health picture when treating hormone problems.

Initial Consultation

Prior to your initial appointment, you will usually be sent for a blood test. At your initial appointment, a detailed history will be taken of your symptoms and we will go through your blood test results. Your treatment regime will then be prescribed. You may be able to take your medications away with you the same day or some medications may need to be ordered from the compounding pharmacy. The appointment will usually last 30-45 minutes

Pricing: £350

Follow-up Appointments

Your follow up appointment will be after 3 months where we will review how you are getting on with the treatment regime and if you are still experiencing any symptoms. We will make any adjustments to your regime and then do a further follow up in 3-6 months. The appointment will usually last 30 minutes. Video appointments are also available on request.

Once stable you will need to be seen in clinic once a year and have a yearly blood test and pelvic scan if required.

Pricing: £220

Other Appointments/Blood tests

If you have any urgent problems in between appointments then you may be offered an urgent telephone consultation to discuss anything with the doctor.

Pricing: £110

Blood tests are usually done prior to your appointment and can range from £370 to £600 depending on the extent of testing you require.

Looking for hormone health & wellness that’s balanced to your needs?