Weight Management

In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Weight gain can happen at any stage of life and is normally multifactorial. Weight gain is a common problem men and women face as they age. As we age and our hormones decline around the menopause and andropause, we become more insulin resistant which leads to weight gain around the middle, also known as visceral fat. Bio/body identical HRT in the correct doses at this stage can be helpful to restore the body’s metabolism. Other causes of weight gain can be due to thyroid issues or underlying insulin resistance.

Addressing nutrition and lifestyle factors are essential to help maintain a healthy weight but adding in other treatments such as Metformin or Ozempic can be helpful for people who are still struggling despite doing all the usual measures.


  • Oestradiol

  • Progesterone

  • Testosterone

  • +/- Metformin

  • +/- Ozempic

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