Osteoporosis refers to weak or brittle bones which can lead to them breaking. Common sites are the hip, wrist and spine.

Causes of osteoporosis include normal aging and the decline in hormones leads to weakening of the bones. Other causes include, smoking, low BMI or history of an eating disorder, family history of osteoporosis, lack of exercise or long term use of drugs such as steroids.

Diagnosis can be with a DEXA scan or a blood test called a crosslaps which looks at whether you are breaking down bone. Weight bearing, exercise, good diet and HRT are all proven ways to treat or prevent osteoporosis.

Common symptoms:

There are no symptoms of osteoporosis but a fracture can be the first sign hence it is important to prevent osteoporosis by starting HRT at menopause.


  • Bio/body identical hormone replacement therapy with Oestradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone and DHEA.

  • Healthy diet- limit alcohol and caffeine

  • Weight bearing exercise

  • Stop smoking

  • Supplements such as vitamin D and calcium

Want to know more?

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