Hair loss is a common problem that can occur at any stage of life. There are different kinds of hair loss. Telogen effluvium and androgenic alopecia are examples of hair loss that can be triggered by hormonal changes in the body such as around the menopause/andropause. Other causes of hair loss can be due to conditions such as iron deficiency anaemia or thyroid disorders. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition which can cause hair loss in patches.

When treating hair loss, it is important to do a full set of blood tests to rule out common causes and treat these as needed.

When hair loss occurs around menopause, putting the hormones back into the body can play a vital role in helping hair to regenerate. Taking the right supplements can also help restore and promote new growth. Topical hair solutions can also be helpful to promote new growth.


  • Oestradiol, Progesterone and +/- Testosterone and supplements

  • Bespoke topical hair solutions can also be prescribed

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