Struggling with your weight?

Many men and women struggle to lose weight and the underlying cause could be insulin resistance.  

 What is insulin resistance?

 Insulin resistance is when the cells in your liver, muscle and fat do not respond to the insulin your body produces and so signals to the pancreas to make more to try to drive glucose into the cells. Whilst your pancreas is able to overcome the lack of response of the tissues to insulin, glucose levels will remain normal. If not managed correctly, insulin resistance can then develop into type 2 diabetes. In most patients, Insulin resistance occurs as part of a cluster of cardiovascular and metabolic abnormalities commonly referred to as “The Metabolic Syndrome”.

 There are many factors which lead to insulin resistance such as genetics, nutrition, history of polycystic ovarian syndrome, lifestyle and even aging. As we age we naturally become more insulin resistance. In addition to this, a drop in hormones around menopause and andropause can impact insulin levels which is what leads to weight gain around the abdominal area. According to the NIDDK, obesity or excess fat around your organs and waist are a risk factor for insulin resistance. Fat around the abdominal area also known as visceral fat can also release hormones which trigger inflammation.

 At HWC we help many men and women who have struggled with weight especially around the time of menopause and andropause. Part of keeping an optimum weight for health is about balancing hormones so we take a holistic approach not only looking at hormone replacement but also nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. If needed we also prescribe medications such as metformin and Ozempic.


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