Alzheimer’s – Genetics is only 1%!

Alzheimer's patient

Decreasing your risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

Genes account for only 1% of Alzheimer’s disease and age is the biggest risk we have so it is so important to do as much as we can to prevent the aging process on our brain.

Alzheimer’s is more common in women after the menopause

It is thought that depleting levels of oestrogen at menopause may contribute to the brain changes hence replacing your hormones with bio/body identical HRT is so important to help preserve brain function as we age. ( Note this does not apply to synthetic HRT as this can actually increase risk)

Also, having a healthy diet means you are 9 time less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

The most effective things you can do to prevent Alzheimer’s

  1. Lower sugar and white starchy carbohydrates in your diet to lower insulin levels

  2. Avoid ultra processed foods and have a diet rich in good fats/nuts and vegetables

  3. Eat plenty of oily fish and take an omega 3 fish oil in your diet

  4. Take a good vitamin b complex to lower homocysteine levels

  5. Regular exercise and mindfulness is also good help slow down the aging process 


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Bio-identical HRT vs Body