Bio-identical HRT vs Body

Bio-identical and Body-identical HRT- What is the difference?

Essentially Bio identical HRT and Body identical HRT are the same thing. It means the hormones are identical in structure to our own body’s hormones.

The term Body-identical HRT has been given to the licensed versions such as Oestrogel/Estradot patches and Elleste solo for oestrogen and Utrogestan for micronized progesterone. These are available on prescription from a regular pharmacy and also on the NHS. Body-identical HRT is the name given to compounded versions of oestradiol/progesterone and testosterone which are made in a pharmacy. Compounded hormones cannot be licensed as they are prescribed/made on an individual basis but the hormones themselves are exactly the same.

I prescribe both licensed and compounded as I do believe it depends on the patients individual needs as some women cannot tolerate the licensed versions of HRT and require a more tailor made prescription.




Alzheimer’s – Genetics is only 1%!


NHS pre-pay HRT £19.30 for the year